The Following are general suggestions for activities that are known to ground us back in our everyday world without undermining our breathwork experience.
Please stay hydrated and enjoy baths and showers and eat grounding foods such as root vegetables, red meat and, of course, chocolate!
Every day try and find at least 10 minutes to simply close your eyes and go within. Tell yourself that this time is really important and that you don’t have to be anywhere or do anything during this time. The more you can practice stepping away from the thinking mind the more your own inner healing wisdom will emerge.
Periodically take a look at your mandala. Do you see it differently than you did right after Breathwork? Does anything stand out, or is there something you had not noticed before? Do you want to add more to what you drew at the Workshop? Feel free to do so. Let the mandala evolve as you integrate, or start another one by using a plate and drawing a circle on a piece of paper.
Have some art supplies handy. Colour, paint and draw even if you are not typically inclined to do so. What’s showing up on the page?
Formally journal or just jot things down as they come to you. Perhaps try some spontaneous writing where you don’t think about spelling or grammar but just allow the words to flow out onto the page. Every couple of days read over what you have written. Is something emerging?
Be in nature. This is sometimes difficult in the city, but even the simple act of finding a special tree in your neighbourhood and visiting it can help build a connection back to the earth. Also spending time caring for your house plants can be an easy and simple way to connect to nature.
Record your Dreams on waking, before your morning coffee. (Keep a notebook and pen by the bed for convenience.)
Experiences of synchronicity around Holotropic Breathwork Sessions are common. Don’t simply dismiss unusual coincidences or out of the ordinary things that happen. Instead make note of them. These can start to bring a new awareness to everyday life.
Movement of any sort helps the body collaborate in the integration experience and helps us to co-operate in moving the energy through us.
The same is true of sound. Humming can be comforting and singing is very helpful in finding our voice (don’t worry about being in tune). Screaming into a pillow can be tremendously cathartic.
Successful integration often involves crying. Having a box of Kleenex and a duvet or blanket to wrap oneself up in if we feel the urge to cry can give enough permission to allow the process to happen as it needs to.
We invite you to try out at least one of these integration tools. A Holotropic Breathwork workshop can open the door into a transformational opportunity that has everything to do with what we do in integration.